Responsible Bodies (Patronage)
Swiss Federal Archives (SFA), Bern
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
Federal Office of Metrology METAS, Wabern
Initiator and Partner
ICHC2007 (22nd International Conference on the History of Cartography, Berne)
Project team (extended)
Dieter Schneider (project manager)
Hans-Anton Ebener (project board – METAS)
Martin Rickenbacher (project board – swisstopo)
Hans Degen (Winterthur)
Thomas Klöti (swisstopo, Universitätsbibliothek Bern)
Guido Koller (SFA)
Susanne Ritter-Lutz (Museum Murten | Musée de Morat)
Kaba Rössler (Stadtmuseum Aarau)
Ruedi Wullschleger (METAS)
Federal Office of Metrology METAS, Wabern, July 8 to August 11, 2007
Stadtmuseum Schlössli, Aarau, August 23 to Oktober 7, 2007
Museum Murten | Musée de Morat, Murten, Oktober 18 to Dezember 2, 2007
Design and production
Wenger Zurflüh Gestaltungen GmbH, Berne: Heidy-Jo Wenger & Beat Zurflüh
Marc Siegenthaler (graphic arts)
Compilation and translation
Jürg Niederhauser (METAS)
Christine Studer (swisstopo)
Olivier Reis, Sarreguemines F
Samuel Reusser (swisstopo)
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
Set up
Ruedi Blatter (swisstopo)
Hanspeter Grünig (swisstopo)
Technische Dienste, Informatik und Infrastruktur METAS
Charles A. Burroughs (Rockville, MD, USA)
John Cloud (NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD, USA)
Alessandro Delprete (Swiss Embassy, Washington, DC, USA)
Harriet C. Hassler (NIST Research Library, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)
Anita McConnell (Cambridge University, UK)
Martin Pestalozzi (Stadtarchivar, Aarau)
William A. Stanley (Laurel, MD, USA)
Website: Virtual exhibition (e-expo)
Dieter Schneider (project)
Atelier Ursula Heilig SGD (webdesign)
Hanspeter Christ, Webservice swisstopo (hosting)